Still having technical difficulties. Did I mention it was only a keyboard problem (we think)? Yeah, so the keyboard was sent, and it arrived and someone signed for it. Only problem is, the person who signed for it doesn’t actually work at this company (I had it sent to my work address because no one is home during the day). Which means that someone out there has a laptop keyboard, which is completely useless to them without the laptop, and which isn’t even worth all that much, and that I am without a keyboard. Dell is sending a replacement, but it could take a couple weeks just to find another one. ARRRGH.
(Which reminds me, I’m going to watch Pirates of the Carribbean with my roommates tonight. There’s something to be said for talking like a pirate sometimes.)
So, because I don’t have the time to do a real editor-y post on my own computer of an evening, you get to see what I did this weekend.
I took some really great shots at Folk Life this weekend, a street fair here in Seattle. I love folk music, so I’m sure it comes as no surprise that this is pr
obably my most favorite street fair, with performers on every corner from all sorts of cultures. Little groups of people getting together playing guitars and various instruments from all over the world, attracting people of all sorts (from your average shorts/jeans/t-shirts to elaborate body art, multicolored hair and dreds). (Also a large proportion of tie-dyed clothing, whatever meaning that may have.) It was a great atmosphere and a lot of great music. I’m just wondering where all these people are the rest of the year between Folk Life at Memorial Day and Bumbershoot at Labor Day. Perhaps my world is just really small. (Though I do work with my share of people of varying shades of hair. I’ve even been tempted to dye my own hair blue or pink from time to time, but the worry is always how long it would take to grow out again.)

A South American group–I didn’t catch the band name or what country specifically; could even be Central American music. Wherever they’re from, it was great music and they had a great rapport. There were at least 10 of them. More pictures and bigger ones in my gallery when I get my own computer working again.

A couple teens playing guitar. Here I am trying out my “carry the camera casually and snap pictures without looking” technique, closely related to the regular “shoot from the hip” technique but a little more targeted. Being out in a loud fair, no one hears the shutter, and I got some great shots! Some more surprising than others, such as the one below–meant to get the whole guy’s costume, not just his knee, but it’s still an interesting shot, I think!

And there’s a big fountain for dashing in and out of. I didn’t dash, but the weather did oblige those who did.

Okay, this is turning into a long post. So I’ll tell you about the Russian dolls…

…and the roasted sweet corn I had…

…and the various musicians I saw…

…and the guy who did a “real life video game.” He gave people a controller, they paid him money, and he acted out the game.

Note his characters are different heads on stuffed animal bodies. Kind of creepy, though also funny.

Thus endeth the report of Folk Life. Good times had by all–which means me and my roommate. Oh, and my treasure from the day, a little Guatemalan bag to use on my bike rides to carry the little things (up till now, all I had was regular purses and backpacks, all too big or cumbersome).

And just for good measure, a few other shots.

That last one is my cats, looking out from their screen-bound prison, wishing they had opposable thumbs.
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