And I have no good reason but to say, wow, I’ve been busy. I’m actually whittling away at both my submissions pile and my deadlines. Emphasis on deadlines–including some very nice upcoming books like the Practical Guide to Monsters, the finales for three trilogies in the Dragonlance: The New Adventures series (see sidebar for links to the first books in those trilogies), and a new novel related to the Practical Guide to Dragons. And somewhere in there is Hallowmere—By Venom
‘s Sweet Sting, the sequel to Tiffany Trent’s In the Serpent’s Coils, which is between stages right now, and then there’s all those manuscripts and samples coming in! Patience is a virtue much to be treasured during May and June in the publishing world.
The next big event right now is ALA, which I’m very excited for on many levels. Most importantly, I’ll finally get to meet Tiffany (
). We’ve worked together for two years now, and we haven’t met yet! I’m so jealous that all my coworkers met her a couple weeks ago at BEA before I got to. I take comfort only in knowing that they missed me terribly.
Second most importantly, I’ve never been to Our Nation’s Capital before. Or the Capitol, for that matter. I’m excited to see what little I can squeeze in while the whirlwind of the conference is going on.
Second again most importantly (because it’s just as important if not more so, and I’m just as excited, but for different reasons) is that I’ll get to connect with librarians and teachers and all sorts of people connected with children’s books again. I love going to shows like this. It’s energizing (and exhausting).
So if you’re going to ALA, look for the Mirrorstone/Wizards booth (note from Tiffany’s pictures from BEA that the booth will again be that cool–it’s a great landmark for meeting friends, I hear). Come meet Tiffany and get an ARC of In the Serpent’s Coils. Meet Candice Ransom and investigate history with the Time Spies. Come explore the world of dragons and monsters with our Practical Guide signings–and ARCs of Red Dragon Codex, the cover of which is so beautiful that I must share it, but it’s not completely final yet, so you’ll be the first to get a sneak peek if you’re at ALA! And as always, there will be other free stuff too.
I’ll post the booth number next week when I know it!
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