TWG podcast and today’s highlights

While at ALA, Tiffany Trent

) and I were interviewed for the inauguration of a podcast series over at The Official Time-waster’s Guide, a game/book/movie review site that really loves things of a fantastic nature. That interview is now up. If you like what you hear, you can go discuss it on their forums. The folks at TWG also interviewed Candice Ransom on another day, which will go up as the second of the series, I believe–though there may be another episode between then that will have other content. I’ll keep you updated.

Today was the busiest day of the conference for us at Mirrorstone, though the initial crush of weekend attendees has slowed a bit (we’ve been told that this conference’s attendance broke the record set in Chicago two years ago through the roof, as the highest attendance ever at an ALA convention). 

Highlights of my day (pictures to come later):

Seeing the line crook around the corner for Tiffany Trent’s ARC signing in the Random House booth (they’re our distributor, and I must say they’re all fabulous people). 

Seeing Cecil Castellucci reading at the Live @ Your Library stage and recruiting several librarian attendees to be the Janes in her new graphic novel P.L.A.I.N. Janes. Very inventive way to make a visual medium translate as much visually as auditorily (is that a word?).

Seeing Tiffany Trent read at the Live @ Your Library stage, the first time I’ve heard Hallowmere read aloud. And more librarians excited for Hallowmere.

Seeing and/or meeting several LJ/blog friends who I only see at these kinds of conventions including Alvina, Sarah, Holly, Cecil, dlgarfinkle, and many many others which now that it’s after midnight after several days on my feet, I’m remembering you but not. I will make amends at a time when I am thinking clearer and have time to go through my pictures.

Speaking of, pictures later. I was going to try to post them, but exhaustion has finally hit and I just need to go to bed if I’m going to make it to what should be my highlight of tomorrow: my tour of the Capitol! (First time to D.C., big history buff. Hey, I’m the kind of girl who will travel to Scotland to do family history. This is a really exciting thing for me.)





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