Pictures sold separately, i.e., this post was too freaking long to add pictures to it, too.
) and Eric of The Official Timewaster’s Guide with Tiffany (
) to do a podcast interview. It went really well, and the interview is live here:\s-Radio-1-Hallowmere—-In-the-Serpent\s-Coils.I can’t say enough of how nice the YALSA and ALA people were to us. I even got to go on a staff-led tour of the Capitol because Molly, who is the sponsorship liaison, used to work for an Iowa representative and was able to invite some people to go. My tour was a few days later–with several librarians from the Seattle area, actually. Sadly, I had to be back to the booth and had to leave from my tour early, so I never got the names of those librarians, but I hope to be able to see them around at the library!
girls–it was librarians of both genders that loved all our books, our reluctant reader kits, and our cozy booth, and it felt really good to be able to hand them good books that I’m proud to have worked on–including some good high fantasy too!
dropped by the booth with
and a few others, and it was so nice to catch up with all of them. She was also kind enough to come to Tiffany’s reading at the Live @ Your Library stage, so I got to chat with her and
for a little while. Theo designed Tiffany’s website, among many others. Earlier in the week, Theo had been passing around a petition for Tiffany, which was both funny and touching.
read right before Tiffany did, and I have pictures of what a great entertainer she is, which will end up in my next post. Her new graphic novel, The Plain Janes, just came out from Minx, and as you can imagine, reading a graphic novel out loud can be a challenge! So she recruited several members of the audience to each be a Jane, and they each read a part. Cecil herself did Theater Jane, and I think that was the perfect part for her. 🙂 You’ll see when you see the pictures.
Also got the chance to meet
(congrats on the NYT!) and her son, and Sarah Beth Durst, both also blogfriends. I have now finally picked up real copies of both their books, too–I’ve already read Wicked Lovely in ARC, but never was able to find an ARC of Into the Wild. Debby Garfinkle (
), author of the Supernatural Rubber Chicken series slated with us for next year, was at the conference for her current books, and so I was finally able to meet this LJ friend too. Debby writes amazingly funny books.
s description of Little, Brown’s fiction dinner, and though ours isn’t quite so large or formal, it’s the same idea–one night, we featured Candice, and the next, we featured Tiffany.
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