Some upcoming new books

There are a few other books besides Hallowmere coming out in the next few months you should be aware of. (Hallowmere has gotten talked about a lot lately because we’ve been doing a lot of promotion for it this summer.) (ETA: Not least because it’s ‘s birthday today. :D)

Also releasing at the same time as In the Serpent’s Coils is another book I edited, A Practical Guide to Monsters. If I haven’t posted the final cover here (and I don’t think I have), here you go!

Then coming up after that we’ve got the final installations in several Dragonlance: The New Adventures trilogies, starting with ‘s Stolen Sun in September, Stephen D. Sullivan’s Warrior’s Bones in December, and ‘s Tempest’s Vow in April 2008. If you haven’t read the first two books in those trilogies, now’s the time to pick them up to be ready for books 3!

Then, the exciting news for Jan. 2008, the first of a series of novels featuring the dragons from A Practical Guide to Dragons! Be sure to look for Red Dragon Codex in January.

One book that I was able to acquire but due to scheduling changes, another editor has been working on, is a new anthology edited by

called Magic in the Mirrorstone. A number of amazing writers have contributed stories, which I’ve mentioned here before–like Holly Black, Cecil Castellucci, Cassie Clare, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, as well as our own Tiffany Trent–but I don’t think I’ve showed you the cover before.

Those are just the books I have edited–check out the rest of Mirrorstone’s books on our site.





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