Wizards of the Coast Discoveries

And now a public service announcement from the adult side of the books department. If you’ve seen the latest PW, you should look for the WotC Discoveries ad about halfway through–it’s very nice. Note that they’ll be open for unagented submissions next month, though agented submissions can be sent year-round.
Wizards of the Coast Discoveries™ is a fantasy-tinged speculative fiction imprint that discovers new worlds, new talent, and new voices for adult fiction readers.

Wizards of the Coast Discoveries, a brand new imprint debuting in January 2008, is looking for well-written speculative fiction. We will open for submissions September 1 and close for submissions January 15. Further guidelines can be found at http://www.wotcdiscoveries.com.
Agented submissions are welcome year round.
In January 2008, Discoveries will launch this exciting new imprint with Firefly Rain, a southern gothic ghost story by Richard Dansky. Further launch titles include Last Dragon by J.M. McDermott and Devil’s Cape by Rob Rogers, both
first-time novelists who were selected from previous open calls.
Good Luck!

So if you’ve got a manuscript you think would fit Discoveries–I hear from my compatriots that they’re looking for speculative fiction like magical realism, high fantasy that breaks boundaries (i.e., this is not your father’s high fantasy), horror–they’re pretty open right now, but it needs to be of a literary bent for adults. Follow the submission guidelines and don’t submit until Sept. 1.
And feel free to pass this along to writers you know, writing groups, etc.




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