Off to L.A.

Well, I’m off to L.A. in the morning for a mini-vacation before I go to the L.A. Public Library to speak to the YA librarians there. I’m very excited to meet everyone, and looking forward to spending the weekend with a couple friends. I’ve never been to L.A. before, so they’re going to show me around–the Getty, the beach, and apparently a surprise. I can’t wait! Now, let’s just hope that my sinus infection lets up so I can enjoy it. 🙂
Pictures will come, but they’ll have to wait for me to get a replacement power cord. I turned on my computer last night to find the power cord just up and died. I’m writing this from my roommate’s borrowed computer, which I’ve got just about long enough to be able to write this. Now I need to finish my laundry so I can finish packing before it gets too late!




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