I’m back!

And suddenly it’s the weekend. I got back Tuesday afternoon but it’s been a rush in the short week to get everything done that I needed to. I don’t have time this morning to tell you all about L.A. but hopefully I’ll find a spare moment later today or sometime this weekend. My doctor has cleared my shoulder for at least non-jarring exercise, though, so I might just take off and go for a hike or something while the weather is still nice. 

One quick note, though. My old friend

 just posted that his first children’s book, Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, has shipped to bookstores a month early. (He’s the author of three adult fantasy novels, but this is his first middle grade.) It’s a fun fantasy story about a boy named Alcatraz and a bag of sand. Yes, a bag of sand. And it’s funny. Brandon (the author) doesn’t have the site up yet, due to it being a month early, so I can’t link you to the Alcatraz site which I hear will be fun, but do check out the book and Brandon’s blog.




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