I’ve been seeing a lot of publishing bloggers posting about the December slowdown. Here at Mirrorstone it’s similar–things do slow down here the week between Christmas and New Year’s because the whole company has it off. But the time up to that time off is full of people like me trying to catch up, too, working on projects we haven’t had the time to catch up on due to other more pressing deadlines. (I don’t know how it is at other publishers, but I imagine it’s similar.)
I’ve gotten several emails about recent submissions (and not-so-recent) and you’ll be glad to know that I’m working on them! Especially requested manuscripts. I have instituted a new system that, once I get caught up on the oldest submissions, will allow me to respond to initial submissions within 3 months. Manuscripts, of course, take a little more time. I’m not the fastest editor in the industry, that’s for sure. Note that I take simultaneous submissions, so don’t feel bad about letting other see your work while you’re waiting
on me!
So while I’ll be relaxing that week off starting a week from today, life is just as busy as ever this week and next! I hope that you all are having a relaxing December yourselves and that whatever holidays you celebrate will be full of joy with family and friends.
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