day one of ALA Midwinter

The day of travel got off to a rough start with the cab arriving 40 minutes late, which meant that I pretty much missed my flight—or so I thought. Thinking that I would have to take the next flight and not arrive until 10:30 or midnight, I didn’t think to take makeup or clothes out of my checked bag, but then the very nice guy at the ticket counter took me to the side when he handed me my boarding pass and said that if I hurried I could get to my original gate and see if they could take me on anyway. 

So, I made it to Philadelphia at the planned-for time, without clothes but the ones on my back. Good think I always bring my asthma medicine my carryon! But that meant I was able to make it to the Random House reception at which several Magic in the Mirrorstone authors and its editor, Steve Berman, were attending. (Thankfully, it was casual attire!) 

Here’s a picture of Steve Berman and Magic in the Mirrorstone authors Lawrence Shoen, Ann Zeddies, and Gregory Frost signing for quite a crowd of librarians and mem
bers of Friends of the Library, the hosts of the evening. 

It was held at the Mummers Museum, which is known for its really Mardi Gras-esque events, and we were able to enjoy a flavor of that with some great music by a musical trio from the museum. Apparently the Mummers are known for their New Year’s parade, which has been going on since before the American Revolution.

I still haven’t gotten my checked luggage, so I’m off to see if I can find a place to get a new shirt or something before my first committee meeting this morning! 

ETA: My clothes
arrived! Yay! Now I don’t have to look (or smell) like a college student bumming around Europe in the same clothes every day. 😀




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