Congrats to all the winners

The library awards have been announced.

I have a copy of Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! on my shelf that I’ve been meaning to get to. Now that it’s won a Newbery, perhaps I should see what the fuss is about! I love medieval stuff–original sources, music, and of course fantasy set in medieval-esque worlds (even if it isn’t all that accurate–sometimes more purposefully than others)–which is why I picked it up in the first place. But you know how it is. Pick up a book and mean to get to it because it looks lovely, but then pick up another book because it too looks lovely, and eventually they can overwhelm you!

I haven’t read any of the Printz honoree books or the winner, but I do know A.M. Jenkins, otherwise known as Amanda M. Jenkins, who is cowriting the fifth book of Hallowmere with Tiffany Trent–Queen of the Masquerade,* which features Christina’s point of view and comes out this August. Her writing is gorgeous. I’ve been meaning to pick up Repossessed, and now I have even more reason to! Congratulations to Amanda!

And I’ve seen The Invention of Hugo Cabret on other people’s shelves, but haven’t done more than glance through it yet. It was one of those I was saving until I “had more time.” Of course. As most books sitting on my shelf are! (Guiltily looks at every author she knows, whose books she’s been meaning to read for forever…)

I hear good things about Geraldine McCaughrean’s work, too, but have never read anything by her. I’ll have to look it up–but of course, given the announcements, I might have to wait a while for any of these to be available from the library!

*In posting the cover of Queen of the Masquerade, that reminds me that I’ve never posted the cover of book 4 of Hallowmere, Maiden of the Wolf, which features Ilona as the point of view character. If you’re interested, here it is:




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