I just learned that my dad and my great-great-grandpa could about be twins. William Alexander Blair was a railroad agent, and the story goes (I have the details around here somewhere–I think in my interview of my grandpa) that he met his wife, Minnie Hested, at a railroad station in Irene, IL, where he worked.
It’s hard to tell in the more formal shots, like the one I showed you below in the first post below about Bess Whitman’s family, but as I’ve been scanning these negatives from Bess Blair’s collection, here’s where that family look comes from: the Blair side. Which makes it quite interesting that my dad’s name is Blair. 😀
From a couple shots of Grandpa Blair (William Alexander Blair) in about 1915:
And here’s a picture of my dad from about 10 years ago.
Let me see if I can find a better, more current picture…
And then, let’s compare side by side.
Notice William’s lack of a tie. Why, I think the last time my dad wore a tie was at my sister’s wedding in 1994. Love the mustache? Why, my dad loves his, too! (At this point, I think they’re the same mustache.) And those eyebrows! And that hairline! I couldn’t find a good shot to show it, but it’s my dad all over again. (Not to mention at least half his brothers, but I’m looking at Dad right now.) If William’s picture were in color, I bet his skin would be just as red and leathery as my dad’s, from years of working in the sun as a farmer.
Not to mention, I love that this photo of my great-great-grandpa:
…was taken by my great-grandma when she was just about 20.
I took this picture of my dad when I was about 20, learning to use my own camera and play in the darkroom.
There’s a story there. There are
so many stories there (don’t worry, I’m writing at least one of them.
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