If you haven’t guessed yet, January was a crazy month. February is shaping up to be a crazy month as I try to get ahead on my March workload, which will be the craziest of all. I kinda have more books to work on in March than pretty much ever. And it’s great, because they’re all really exciting books! But wow, sometimes it’s exhausting.
So what have I been doing recently? Well, I’ve got several books in the Hallowmere series in various stages of the editing process*, and I’m working on Bronze Dragon Codex, the followup to last month’s release of Red Dragon Codex. (Late night post=no links, sorry. Google is your friend.) I’ve got a couple other things in the works that I’ll be able to announce as soon as the ink is dry.
In the midst of all that, I try set aside time every week to respond to submissions, but as you can probably guess, that’s not at the top of my priority list this month. But I promise, I’m working on it! It’s definitely part of the plan.
Then at the end of March, I’ll be in Salt Lake City fo
r World Horror Convention to take pitch sessions, and then in June I’ll be at BYU for the Writing for Young Readers conference. Whew! But that’s waaay in the future. For now, I just have to go to bed so I can be clearer tomorrow than this sinus infection is letting me be right now. All I want for Christmas is my two frontal sinuses, please. Maxillary will do.
*Most recently, volume 5 of Hallowmere, Queen of the Masquerade, by Tiffany Trent and Amanda M. Jenkins. Tears! Tears for the beauty, I tell you! And before that, just finished off volume 4, Maiden of the Wolf by Tiffany Trent and Angelika Ranger (who is on LJ but again, late night, not clear, hopefully I’ll remember in the morning). Ilona! Countess Bathory! Humiliations galore! (Okay, so maybe not humiliations galore, but I’ve always wanted to use that.)
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