
Updates coming soon

It’s been a while! I’m in the middle of changing a few things around here, including updating my bio, my editorial services, links, and more.[…]

A family history journey

The more I dig into this particular generation of my family–the immigrants I’d been chasing for decades to figure out where they’d come from in[…]

Ah, vacation

Ah, vacation time, when I can at last have time to pause and read my submissions and prepare my presentations! No, really, I’m going home[…]

#DVpit, updated submission guidelines, and my #MSWL

Today is #DVpit on Twitter, which is an event in which writers post pitches for their books on the hashtag and agents who like those[…]

The state of MG vs YA when YA is so much older now

Let’s talk about middle grade books, young adult books, and that liminal space between, that magic spot of readers ages 10-14 who read up.  There’s[…]

Highlights of 2016 reading

Thanks to audiobooks, I read 144 books in 2016. (If you look at that list, some are still in progress—the problem with relying on the[…]

Where do I even start?

I often discuss diverse books with people, especially white people, who need the “101”—parents and other people who love children who want to give them[…]

General update

I always swore I wouldn’t be one of those people who let my blog languish while I moved on to other things, but here I[…]

Case Cracked: Editing Mystery Novels

This post was originally posted on the Lee & Low blog.   I’ve long been a fan of mysteries. Trixie Belden was my BFF as[…]

Submit your manuscript to the New Visions Award

In case you missed it, I’m open again for submissions to the New Visions Award. Details can be found on this blog post. This is[…]

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