A writer asks: I recently submitted the first three chapters of my manuscript to Tu Books as per your guidelines, and I am a ball[…]
Nook readers, you can now find almost all of our books there. Tankborn and Wolf Mark are up now, and Galaxy Games: The Challengers will[…]
Let’s take a look at all the things happening online for the launch of Tu’s first three books. First of all, see what our publisher[…]
Reader reactions are so subjective. One person might think there’s not nearly enough worldbuilding in a book (“give me more! MORE!”) and another might say[…]
My cousin is in town this weekend, and we have a tradition of walking around wherever we are with our fancy cameras and seeing who[…]
I’m in the midst of a cold/sinus thing that has made my brain become enveloped in a big fog, so I’m afraid all my plans[…]
Tu’s books are now also available on Google Books! These seem to be optimized for iPads/tablets.
For those of you who prefer your books in e-book form: we have some exciting news for Kindle people. Nook and iPad people, your day[…]
Hey, everyone! The day we’ve been looking forward to is finally here! Tu’s first three books are releasing everywhere TODAY! You may have even been[…]
I’m going through a big stack of submissions that have been languishing for a while (and if you submitted a partial before Sept. 1 and[…]