
Recent interviews

Ever wonder how an editor might edit cross-culturally, or how an editor works with a cultural consultant? Not sick of hearing the story of how[…]

On query letters and “requested” material

Writers often ask me about query letters—how to write them, what to put in them, what will hook me. The problem is that I hate[…]

You’re Beautiful

What I’m watching: As you know, I’ve been on a Korean TV kick lately. You’re Beautiful, a HILARIOUS show about a nun candidate who takes[…]


I have completed a server move. A little drama, but it was so worth it. I was finally able to update WordPress to a version[…]

Some incomplete thoughts on post-apocalyptic worldbuilding

Just a few thoughts that combine from reading a couple recently published postapocalyptic trade books and some of the submissions I’ve been going through recently.[…]

Submissions update

For those of you who submitted PARTIAL manuscripts, I am nearly up to date on everything that has come in up through June 1. I’ll[…]

Exclusive submissions vs. simultaneous

Just a little reminder of my personal editorial policy and Lee & Low’s company guidelines when it comes to submissions: I am a bit slow[…]

Diversity in YA Summer Reading Challenge

I’m up to my gleezers, as Galaxy Games alien M’Frozza would say, in printer proofs for Fall books. I’ve been working on a post to[…]

Daily leeway

I really love my job. A lot. I’ve been really busy at it for the last month or so, working toward getting Fall books out[…]

New Tu acquisition

The announcement came out in Publisher’s Marketplace today, so I can share it here, too! Kimberly Pauley’s CAT GIRL’S DAY OFF, when a girl’s celebrity-addicted[…]

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