

I’ll have some pictures from BEA, hopefully, if my phone hasn’t corrupted them all, but until I figure all that out, here’s a fun one[…]

Oh hey, look what I found

Pictures from a recent visit to NYC by Cynthia Leitich Smith! These were taken in Feb. 2011, but I completely forgot to post them. What’s[…]

Beyond Orcs and Elves, part 3

And finally, part 3. Read parts 1 and 2 here and here. So now let’s talk about writing cross-culturally! Writing Cross-culturally A few months ago,[…]

Beyond Orcs and Elves, part 2

See here for part 1. Many authors have broken that mold & followed Ursula K. Le Guin’s admonition to write more of the “other.” But[…]

Beyond Orcs and Elves: Diversity in Science Fiction and Fantasy for Young Readers, part 1

Here you go! The first installment. Note that this was written to be spoken, so sometimes the diction might seem a little weird for a[…]

Chimamanda Adichie: The Dangers of a Single Story

To hold you over until I can get my own talk up, here’s an even better talk by author Chimamanda Adichie, which I told everyone[…]

Beyond Orcs and Elves: a prelude

Now that NESCBWI is over, I will be posting parts of my talk, “Beyond Orcs and Elves: Diversity in Fantasy & Science Fiction for Young[…]

The set is complete!

Awe. Some. ETA: Oops, the uploading ability from my phone doesn’t seem to work with my blog—probably because my blog has been broken for over[…]

“I have this GREAT idea!”

I see this so often—most recently earlier today: A “writer”* tells his or her friends, “I have this great idea for a novel! What do[…]

Street fair youth fundraiser

I’m going to be out of town at NESCBWI this weekend, which means that I’m going to miss the street fair they do every year[…]

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