
African American Genealogy Conference

This Saturday, March 12, from 1–4 p.m., my church is sponsoring a genealogical conference focusing on African American genealogical research. I’ll be teaching one of[…]

Romance vs. romantic elements in a story

At LTUE last week, I was on a panel that gave me some food for thought, which I’d like to get some discussion on. The[…]


A friend shared this article with me recently, delving into a decades-long experiment trying to recreate the domestication of pets in foxes—and succeeding, faster than[…]

LTUE schedule

Also, one more reminder: If you’re in Utah and have a chance to get to LTUE next week—only $20-25 to rub elbows with a bunch[…]

Tu teasers

I find I don’t want to blog much anymore, and mostly it’s because ever since my site broke, it hasn’t been quite right. I’m seriously[…]

LTUE pre-game

Well, I don’t know what else to call it. I’m flying in a little early before LTUE in mid-Feb. to visit Rick Walton’s publishing class,[…]

Life, the Universe, and Everything

Between the holidays, a nasty bout of the flu, and being busy with preparing Fall books for design and getting next spring’s books well on[…]

Writer question: E-book rights?

A writer question I received this month, the answer for which I think anyone submitting to Tu will want to know: I would like to[…]

Whitney Award nominations

The Whitney Awards are a fairly new award given out at the LDS Storymakers conference that honors novels written by LDS writers, both in the[…]

Meeting authors, Kitty Saturday

I haven’t had a chance yet to post about my time at the Ventura/Santa Barbara SCBWI conference over Halloween weekend. I had a great time—the[…]

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