
Elf insurance

I haven’t been keeping up well with my LiveJournal friends list. Every time I think I might, I get daunted by how long it’s been[…]

World Fantasy recap delayed, open thread at Tu Publishing

I forgot to take many pictures at World Fantasy. (I know! Me! Calling myself a “photographer”!) Plus, my laptop’s hard drive is literally so full[…]

World Fantasy this weekend

I’m heading out in the morning (at an hour I don’t normally see while conscious unless I’ve stayed up all night) for San Jose to[…]

Reading beyond reality: interview with Cindy Pon at Tu Publishing

In continued celebration of the theme of Teen Read Week, even if the week itself is over, I interviewed author Cindy Pon about her new[…]

On teen reading habits over at Tu Publishing

Today for Teen Read Week, I interviewed Susan from Color Online about teen reading over at the Tu Publishing website. Check it out!

Tu Publishing update, anthology contest

And also, a big thanks to those who have pledged to Tu Publishing this week. We’re getting closer to our goal. Once I catch up[…]

*big sigh*

All I want to do right now is just play World of Warcraft and watch movies and pig out on food that’s really bad for[…]

Tidbits–Tu Publishing, book club, critiques update

We’re up to almost $1000 on the Kickstarter project for Tu Publishing. Thanks so much to everyone for pledging, and please feel free to share[…]

Let’s talk anime

I have a standing anime/movie night with several friends (if you’re local, remember: it’s Friday nights, and we don’t always do anime, so you’re welcome[…]

Updated video–please respond to that for the video challenge

On Tuesday, I challenged everyone (teens, especially) to respond to my video with videos of their own talking about their experiences with reading and multicultural[…]

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