I’m cross-posting this from the Tu Publishing website, the website of my small press. I promised you the announcement of a project, and I’ve finally[…]
Just to let you all know: I have found a day job. Yay for paying the bills! Freelancing is great for many things, especially the[…]
I’ve been rather absentee from the blog lately. I’ve been working on a number of things–catching up on critiques (for those waiting, thanks for your[…]
Twitter seems to be down, which is a disappointment for the random thoughts I generally send into the ether that way instead of blogging them.[…]
I have finally just discovered Diary of a Wimpy Kid (I know! I had heard of it, but hadn’t read it) and I’m looking for[…]
This just in (and you probably didn’t hear it here first): Bloomsbury is listening to the protests, and changing the book jacket for Justine Larbalestier’s[…]
A conversation came up on Twitter today that moved over to Facebook that covered a lot of ground and I think it would be great[…]
Today’s Writing Excuses covers conventions you (writers) should be attending, but they didn’t really have time to cover conventions and conferences specifically geared for children’s[…]
Via the Brown Bookshelf, John Green discusses the cover issue for Justine Larbalestier’s book in a thorough way, taking into account all the changes our[…]
I added these to my last post, because some readers pointed out that it sounded like I was defending Bloomsbury’s choice of cover, which wasn’t[…]