I got this ARC a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve been holding onto it because I knew from going to Carol’s reading that it[…]
I have a confirmed date, time, and place for our next local seminar on writing fantasy for children and young adults. This time we’re going[…]
Over at Booksquare last week Kassia had an excellent post on what consumers are looking for in the pricing of ebooks, in which she took[…]
Not really much to post about. I had a great time at Conduit seeing friends and talking books. Very nice Schlock Mercenary launch party, for[…]
Well, now that I've gotten my camera back up (I killed the battery Saturday, forgetting to upload the pictures while it was still hooked up[…]
I’m catching up on a multitude of 3-chapter critiques and one novel critique this week that I’ve owed to people for a few weeks now.[…]
From the engineers who brought you The Engineer’s Guide to Cats:
I can’t remember who linked this, but the winner of the Media Matters Film Festival, Slip of the Tongue, is awesomely relevant to both racial[…]
3/21/2012, ETA: Because this post has been linked a lot over the course of the last several months, I just wanted to point out that[…]
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