
The Chosen One

I got this ARC a couple of weeks ago, but I’ve been holding onto it because I knew from going to Carol’s reading that it[…]

New seminar: Worldbuilding in MG/YA science fiction and fantasy

I have a confirmed date, time, and place for our next local seminar on writing fantasy for children and young adults. This time we’re going[…]

On e-books, the distribution chain, the Amazonian monster, and all that other fun stuff

Over at Booksquare last week Kassia had an excellent post on what consumers are looking for in the pricing of ebooks, in which she took[…]

Ramblings when I should be off reading the Maze Runner ARC or sleeping

Not really much to post about. I had a great time at Conduit seeing friends and talking books. Very nice Schlock Mercenary launch party, for[…]

Provo Book Festival (& other recent events, including a reading cat)

Well, now that I've gotten my camera back up (I killed the battery Saturday, forgetting to upload the pictures while it was still hooked up[…]

3-chapter critique catch-up

I’m catching up on a multitude of 3-chapter critiques and one novel critique this week that I’ve owed to people for a few weeks now.[…]

And now for something completely different: cat yodeling

From the engineers who brought you The Engineer’s Guide to Cats:

Related to the last post

I can’t remember who linked this, but the winner of the Media Matters Film Festival, Slip of the Tongue, is awesomely relevant to both racial[…]

Portraying people of color in children’s/YA fantasy–are we anywhere near “there” yet?

3/21/2012, ETA: Because this post has been linked a lot over the course of the last several months, I just wanted to point out that[…]

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