
More recommended books and movies/shows

I keep meaning to review a few things I’ve been watching/reading lately. I have actually been allowing myself to reread a few favorites, which I[…]

More booklists

[ljuser]Susanwrites[/ljuser] is looking for suggestions for two booklists: one for memorable mothers in children’s lit, and one for memorable fathers. You all have been really[…]

CPSIA and the value of writing to your senator/congressman/woman

Thanks to a Blue Rose Girls post by Alvina a couple weeks ago, I was inspired to write to my senator expressing my frustration and[…]

Faith and Works: Boston Globe explores Mormons in YA literature

Featuring Utah writers Carol Lynch Williams, A.E. Cannon, and Shannon Hale, and Boston-area writer and graduate of Vermont College’s writing for children master’s program, Julie[…]


A lot of critics have been panning Joss Whedon’s new show Dollhouse, and I know some people are giving it a pass because they didn’t[…]

AML conference tomorrow

It’s rather last-minute notice, but if you’re going to be in Utah Valley tomorrow, consider stopping by the Utah Valley University campus and coming to[…]

John Green’s advice is made of win

“Nerd girls are the most underutilized romantic resource.” Indeed. In-deed.


I just hired an intern. Or “hired,” more like–she’s just doing this for the experience. But it’ll be great to have a little help every[…]


Cynthia Leitich Smith’s interview of me is up over at her LJ (and all the various mirrors of it). Thanks to Cynthia for the chance[…]

“Books to look for” page

I’m working on building a page of books that I recommend and that I’ve edited (which of course I also recommend!). So far, the page[…]

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