
Community class and new ad

My sister was once an ad designer, and she has been helping me out in the last couple of weeks to design an ad for[…]

LTUE and the undead cold

For the last couple of days I’ve been at BYU’s Life, the Universe, and Everything, sniffling my way through several panels. The zombie cold seems[…]

The undead cold

I had a cold last weekend, but Monday and Tuesday it seemed to be clearing up. I was feeling mostly better, running around doing errands[…]

And in other news…

It seems that FB has at least temporarily rolled back their terms of service to the previous, slighly less draconian terms until they can figure[…]

Bringing in the Feds: Eeeeven more on Facebook’s ToS changes

If you’re interested in protesting on Facebook, by the way, there’s a group of over 50,000 FB members discussing their problems with the changes. Even[…]

Facebook responds

Just saw this response from Facebook regarding the rights brou-ha-ha. We are not claiming and have never claimed ownership of material that users upload.  The[…]

Interesting take on changing terms of service w/out notification

The courts have said that it’s not acceptable. The Ninth Circuit disagreed heavily with the original ruling, saying that it was not reasonable to expect[…]

More on ToS at Facebook

Mashable has a post that says it a lot more succinctly than the concerns I was trying to express yesterday. It compares specific quotes from[…]

Concerns about Facebook’s terms of service rights claims

Facebook’s terms of service changed over a week ago, without them notifying anyone. (It’s like they think they’re a credit card company or something.) Now,[…]

Testing, testing

This is my first post from my new website. Pay no attention to it. *This is not the website you’re looking for.* (No, really–it’s not.[…]

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