But on a brighter note, less than two weeks from Kindling Words! I’ve been very blessed for it to work out for me to go[…]
Just in case you’re considering buying from Dell, I just thought I’d mention that they’re the worst customer service I’ve ever dealt with. That is
I grew up in relative poverty. Relative, because it’s only poverty here in the US, not compared to the places in the world where every[…]
This proves it: REAL writers use typewriters.
In answer to my question regarding middle grade science fiction on the Child_Lit listserv, Farah Mendlesohn replied with the address of her blog and her[…]
I feel a little sickened right now. I’m posting this so publicly because I think this has affected pretty much all my friends and colleagues[…]
Okay, now that we’ve got the middle grade fantasy list, what about science fiction specifically for middle graders? I’m going to be really lenient in[…]
I’ve found all sorts of new people on Twitter to learn from. One is Chris Webb, Associate Publisher of Technology at John Wiley and Sons.[…]
ETA 7/24/13: I’ve added a few titles to the list below (and deleted a few that I realized were more YA than MG), but if[…]
I was having lunch with a friend today who works at Trolley Corners in Salt Lake, which is a large building built around an open-air[…]