
MG fantasy or not?

No one can read every book out there, especially people who are extremely busy. One can try, though–hence my trying to make a list of[…]

Booklist update

Let’s take a look at what we have so far for our middle-grade fantasy book list. I’ve actually put it in alphabetical order at this[…]

Abridged Classics: Becoming Jane

By all means, carry on with helping me with the middle grade fantasy booklist. I don’t want to detract from that–you guys have excellent taste[…]

In the middle of the middle–and a question

First the question: Can anyone point me to where to find the middle grade children’s literature listserv, equivalent to Child_Lit but for older books? I[…]

More catching up–Writing Excuses

Happy New Year! I’m spending the day doing absolutely nothing. I have so much to do–finish painting one corner of my office so I can[…]

Bio and Author Recommendations

Stacy Whitman specializes in fantasy and science fiction for children and young adults, and related genres. She spent three years as an editor for Mirrorstone,[…]

Are there handbaskets in children’s literature?

Today Editorial Anonymous both opened a can of worms and used a tag I only remember seeing on Read Roger, “I’m so going to hell,” which[…]


Had a great Christmas Eve with a friend watching the extended edition of The Two Towers, then slept in Christmas morning, opened the presents my[…]

Yes, Dad, I *am* a journalist. So I have to go pawn this to pay my rent!

I absolutely HATE those stupid jewelry commercials. Because YES, honey, what I want for you to express your love for me is a big, shiny[…]

An announcement, of sorts

I was recently asked to the LDS Storymakers Writers Conference as a guest editor. If you’re LDS or interested in the LDS writing world (including as[…]

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