

Getting some very nice Christmas cards in the mail today reminded me that I have mine halfway done. I just need to address them–they’re labeled,[…]


Totally AWESOME zombie movie on SciFi right now. As I watch them devour braaains on mute, because yeah, gross, and I’m too tired to change[…]

Fortunately, we can help. Little brothers are standing by.

I heart BBBS. What a clever way to get guys thinking about volunteering! Oh, here’s the national one I just saw on the Colbert Report:

It’s the little things

Got a package in the mail this morning. Two, actually. It’s always so fun to get a package. One from my sister, one from my[…]

Speaking of social networking

I’ve decided to try out twittering. If you want to follow me, you can find me at

Further back in the not-so-way-back machine…

This link is over a month old, and but Booksquare’s Kassia Krozser speaks directly to what we were discussing a couple weeks ago about reaching our[…]

Congrats to Tiffany, thanks to Dave!

Over at Fantasy Book Critic, Dave Farland was recently asked what his favorite reads of 2008 were. He listed Hallowmere volume one, In the Serpent’s[…]

And then there’s the writing end of things…

James Owen just pointed me in the direction of his post from a few days ago, A Career as a Novelist–In Layman’s Terms, a metaphor which[…]

More on marketing

I’m afraid that even before I left Mirrorstone, I wasn’t reading my friends page daily, because there are just so many things to keep track[…]

On buying books: hardcover vs. paperback

Cherie Priest posted today about her new release–happy book birthday, ! Her post relates to several things I’ve been hearing lately, so I thought I’d[…]

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