Getting some very nice Christmas cards in the mail today reminded me that I have mine halfway done. I just need to address them–they’re labeled,[…]
Totally AWESOME zombie movie on SciFi right now. As I watch them devour braaains on mute, because yeah, gross, and I’m too tired to change[…]
I heart BBBS. What a clever way to get guys thinking about volunteering! Oh, here’s the national one I just saw on the Colbert Report:
Got a package in the mail this morning. Two, actually. It’s always so fun to get a package. One from my sister, one from my[…]
I’ve decided to try out twittering. If you want to follow me, you can find me at
This link is over a month old, and but Booksquare’s Kassia Krozser speaks directly to what we were discussing a couple weeks ago about reaching our[…]
Over at Fantasy Book Critic, Dave Farland was recently asked what his favorite reads of 2008 were. He listed Hallowmere volume one, In the Serpent’s[…]
James Owen just pointed me in the direction of his post from a few days ago, A Career as a Novelist–In Layman’s Terms, a metaphor which[…]
I’m afraid that even before I left Mirrorstone, I wasn’t reading my friends page daily, because there are just so many things to keep track[…]
Cherie Priest posted today about her new release–happy book birthday, ! Her post relates to several things I’ve been hearing lately, so I thought I’d[…]