
Let’s play the Glad Game

I wouldn’t really describe myself as an optimist, but I’m not pessimist, either. Tonight I was on a nostalgia trip, and TCM obliged me with[…]

Let’s talk about marketing your book online

I was at an SCBWI conference a couple weeks ago at which they had a panel of newly published authors do a panel chat about[…]

Tildrum wants *you*

To tell me about your favorite children’s book/publishing related websites. I so seldom actually look at my own front page that it took me until[…]

And on the brighter side

Anyone watching Heroes? I LOVE that Seth Green was the comic shop guy. "Best. Day. Ever." Ha!

Wow. Just, wow.

It’s been quite a day for publishing, hasn’t it? If you haven’t seen the news about all the restructurings, layoffs, publishers walking off the job,[…]

And these are the *college* students

My cousin just shared a link with me that I had to pass on–a professor who has been collecting the worst of the worst sentences[…]

SCBWI reception

I’m off to an SCBWI reception in Salt Lake City tonight, so if any of you will be there, look me up!

Guest interview: Sandra Tayler on self-publishing

From time to time on this blog, we’ve discussed self-publishing, and from those posts you would probably know that in general I’m against it, if you’re looking[…]

(Post Title)

I’m back from my trip to New York City. It was really nice to see everyone, and those of you I missed, I’m sure I’ll catch[…]

Jetting off

I’m taking a trip to New York City this week. I’m leaving on a redeye tomorrow night and staying through Saturday. It’s going to be[…]

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