
Howl’s Castle and the House of Many Ways

For fans of Howl’s Moving Castle, have you read House of Many Ways yet? It’s the sequel to Howl and I must say a right[…]

I want a baby just so I can get a minivan

It’s completely absurd, but every time I see those Brooke Shields VW ads, the ones where she accuses people of having babies just for German[…]

Getting back to normal

The cable guy is here hooking up cable and internet. As you can tell, I am finally back online. THANK YOU to everyone who helped[…]

Flood update

Still working on flood cleanup, and now that I have a new apartment, I’m also working on getting it ready for moving my stuff over[…]

Taking the week off, kind of

If you don’t already know, I woke up Sunday morning to 4 inches of water across my apartment and Mogget marooned in the kitchen, unable[…]

Thoughts on freelancing, redux

I’ve really appreciated all the thoughts on freelancing so many people have offered in the last little while. I’m getting into my groove, and my[…]

Here’s a pretty-looking milestone

I’m still working on painting my apartment, which is a slow process when it’s not your first priority. I just got a nice chocolate brown leather[…]

So I get a knock on my door this morning…

And it’s the assistant manager. She lives upstairs, and earlier this morning she was walking by and saw two black cats on the stairs outside.[…]

Writing progress, jonowrimo

33,650! I can’t find the progress bar I used to use. I’ve searched as much as my borderline-migraine brain will let me. I give up,[…]

I think this is it

I don’t really need a two-sided card–and in fact, as an editor I prefer getting 1-sided cards because I can make notes on the back of[…]

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