
Cat bathing is an art and a science

I woke up early this morning, so I decided it was just about time to give the cats a bath. They were getting grimy and I was[…]

This just in: rubber chicken JUGGLING!

I’m just now going through my photos from Memorial Day weekend, including my Monday morning stroll through Folk Life, a festival they have here in[…]


Yay!  Finally some resolution for Penny and Desmond. At least, I think. Still have 10 minutes to go. ETA 10 minutes later: AAAHH!! 

Career day

Many thanks to the teachers and students at Dimmitt Middle School in Renton, WA, which hosted their 7th annual Career Day yesterday. It was an[…]

(Post Title)

Work life after returning from a show tends to be pretty busy. When you’ve been out of the office for a week, you often have a[…]

IRA in pictures

I’m taking a break from tilling the garden with a potato fork (it actually works pretty well on a small plot and you don’t have[…]

IRA in brief/Writing Excuses

Atlanta is gorgeous. A normal warm spring day! It’s gorgeous. I love Seattle, but I’m still in sweaters till June there. The other day was[…]


Via Oz and Ends: Scalzi discusses the state of YA fantasy and SF sales compared to adult. (Scalzi’s got some good stuff this week!) Of[…]

From the mailbox

I’m taking advantage of still having internet at home when I thought it was going to turn off last night (we’re in household internet transition)[…]

More on self-publishing

John Scalzi has some great points today that extend our discussion of self-publishing from a couple weeks ago. Specifically I don’t think I covered the[…]

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