
World Horror Con

I’m off tonight to the World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City. I’m not sure if I’ll be on any panels or not, but I[…]

The real life of a children’s book editor

I was going to write about the difference between writing series in a shared world and standalones, but that’s a little too high-maintenance a post[…]

The difference between series publishing and standalones

This is a standing question that I’ve gotten from several readers that I’ve been meaning to answer for a while now.

Supernatural love

I told you I was in love, didn’t I? My subconscious is having a field day with that. I had a dream last night that[…]


I’m going in for minor surgery today (don’t worry, it’s really, really minor) and this weekend my roommates and I are doing a yard sale,[…]

Red Dragon Codex giveaway

5 Minutes for Mom is giving away a copy of Red Dragon Codex today.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

It’s days like this that I miss living in Chicago, where they dye the river green in celebration. (Also, notice the white clock tower on[…]

Soft puppy ears

Sometimes this job is hurry up and wait. I’m still waiting for the waiting part, though. Perhaps fast and faster would be the better description.[…]

The blog’s grown up a little

I think last time it was elementary or middle school.


 I’ve been swamped, as usual–two books to get to copyediting soon! So instead of hanging on my every word (because of course, you all do…[…]

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