I’m off tonight to the World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City. I’m not sure if I’ll be on any panels or not, but I[…]
I was going to write about the difference between writing series in a shared world and standalones, but that’s a little too high-maintenance a post[…]
This is a standing question that I’ve gotten from several readers that I’ve been meaning to answer for a while now.
I told you I was in love, didn’t I? My subconscious is having a field day with that. I had a dream last night that[…]
I’m going in for minor surgery today (don’t worry, it’s really, really minor) and this weekend my roommates and I are doing a yard sale,[…]
It’s days like this that I miss living in Chicago, where they dye the river green in celebration. (Also, notice the white clock tower on[…]
Sometimes this job is hurry up and wait. I’m still waiting for the waiting part, though. Perhaps fast and faster would be the better description.[…]
I’ve been swamped, as usual–two books to get to copyediting soon! So instead of hanging on my every word (because of course, you all do…[…]