Completely un-children’s lit related. I recently got a better lens for my Nikon D80 and oh what a difference it makes. So much better than the kit[…]
I’ve been on a Supernatural kick for the last few weeks. I think Dean Winchester is my high school sweetheart. My first boyfriend drove a green[…]
We’ve discussed here, I believe, what a great age gap exists in YA developmentally. There’s a big difference between a 12 year old and an 18 year old–even[…]
I’ve had conversations with a few friends outside the publishing industry lately who tell me that they think self publishing is the way to go[…]
moar humorous pics In other news, I’m feeling a little evil genius-y myself. I’m working on a post about self-publishing vs. regular publishing (inspired by[…]
cmpriest ‘s post today (scroll down to the bottom) reminded me that I also have a recent picture of a very silly cat with a[…]
I can’t resist posting a bit from one of my very favorite movies of all time. If you haven’t seen The Court Jester, you have[…]
Have to run really quickly, so I am putting this up as food for thought: how many times does an author annoy a reader because a[…]