
Here’s one for you

As I mentioned, I have been invited to speak at the BYU Writing for Young Readers conference. I’ve been thinking about what I’d like to[…]

That towering pile of paper

I’ll just give you a little insight into a day in the life of an editor. As I’ve already mentioned, I’m pretty swamped right now.[…]

Writing Excuses

Three friends of mine have started a podcast on writing. Brandon Sanderson, Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells  discuss brainstorming in their first episode of Writing Excuses.[…]

Magic in the Mirrorstone releases today!

As editor of the anthology, , reminded me, today is the day when everyone can get their hands on a copy of Magic in the[…]

Evolution, Me, and Other Freaks of Nature

Oh, and while I was rambling I completely forgot I also wanted to mention that I just finished listening to the audiobook version of Evolution,[…]

Almost midnight post

If you haven’t guessed yet, January was a crazy month. February is shaping up to be a crazy month as I try to get ahead[…]

I love the things I learn from family history

I just learned that my dad and my great-great-grandpa could about be twins. William Alexander Blair was a railroad agent, and the story goes (I[…]

Telenovela Psych

I just got done watching the funniest Psych episode EVER–and that’s saying something, because it’s a dang funny show.  Shawn and Gus start out helping to solve[…]

BYU Writing for Young Readers

Thought you all might like to know: I have just officially accepted an invitation to speak at the BYU Writing for Young Readers conference this[…]

Preview for Hallow-wii?

I sure hope that this video is an entrant in the Have a Happy Hallow-wii contest. I found it via so I can’t tell you[…]

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