
Also, book recommendations

I think I’ve nearly exhausted the Seattle Public Library’s YA audiobook collection. I just realized today that it’s been a couple months since I listened[…]

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

…please to put a penny in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do…  Oh, hi!  I can’t get Miss Piggy singing[…]

Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m making pies tonight, getting up early tomorrow and delivering meals to the ICU (it’s a church service project–the cafeterias in the hospitals close on[…]

Mormons in fantasy

As you may be aware, because I’m certainly not hiding the fact, I am a Mormon (a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of[…]

Low on content… or was that time?

I’ve kind of dropped off the face of the earth lately, sorry. But there’s good reason. I’m just plain busy. I just shepherded two first revisions out[…]

Please excuse the dust

I’m trying a new skin especially for Halloween (ooOOoooOoooOoooo) and somehow in the changeover my sidebars went wonky. But I don’t have time to fix[…]

Drive-by posting

Very, very busy week this week and last! Just a quick stop-by to remind everyone in the Seattle area that if you didn’t get the[…]

Tiffany Trent Teen Read Week booksigning

Mirrorstone is proud to be a corporate sponsor of Teen Read Week. We know how important literacy and reading for fun is for children and[…]

Teen Read Week

I should have posted the night before Tiffany Trent’s night on Readergirlz, but I’m afraid things have been rather busy at both work and in[…]

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