I’m updating my dragon booklist today and putting it on Pinterest. Now that my nephew is eight, he’s into full-on middle-grade books, and STILL loves[…]
We’re celebrating here at Tu Books today, because one of our fall books, Summer of the Mariposas by Guadalupe Garcia McCall, has received a starred review[…]
If you’re in New York City and have the time (i.e., you’re not out volunteering or salvaging your own home) the A Is for Anansi[…]
Are you starting off on your yearly Nanowrimo marathon? If so, perhaps you’re thinking about how to diversify your cast or settings. Preferably both, right?[…]
As I was talking about yesterday, Hurricane Sandy has affected us at Lee & Low—our office is still currently without power—o we understand that it[…]
I have just weathered the hurricane in relative style—thankfully, my neighborhood came out relatively unscathed compared to other places. I still have power and internet[…]
We want to know what you think. What will the world look like in 100 years? Will it be better? Worse? What kind of technological[…]
Now that yesterday was the official release day for Diverse Energies, both fall Tu books are officially out! Go forth and purchase! Tell your friends![…]
I haven’t been blogging very consistently, I know—which made me only realize today that despite my many mentions of it on Twitter and Facebook, I[…]
I just finished watching the first episode of this season of Once Upon a Time. I enjoyed the first season of the show, but did[…]