
Dragon booklist update

I’m updating my dragon booklist today and putting it on Pinterest. Now that my nephew is eight, he’s into full-on middle-grade books, and STILL loves[…]


We’re celebrating here at Tu Books today, because one of our fall books, Summer of the Mariposas by Guadalupe Garcia McCall, has received a starred review[…]

A Is for Anansi conference

If you’re in New York City and have the time (i.e., you’re not out volunteering or salvaging your own home) the A Is for Anansi[…]

Nanowrimo resources: diversity in your Nano (writing cross-culturally)

Are you starting off on your yearly Nanowrimo marathon? If so, perhaps you’re thinking about how to diversify your cast or settings. Preferably both, right?[…]

New Visions extension announcement

As I was talking about yesterday, Hurricane Sandy has affected us at Lee & Low—our office is still currently without power—o we understand that it[…]

Logistics of New Visions due to Hurricane Sandy

I have just weathered the hurricane in relative style—thankfully, my neighborhood came out relatively unscathed compared to other places. I still have power and internet[…]

What will the world look like in 100 years?

We want to know what you think. What will the world look like in 100 years? Will it be better? Worse? What kind of technological[…]

Tu’s third season: Release the hounds!

Now that yesterday was the official release day for Diverse Energies, both fall Tu books are officially out! Go forth and purchase! Tell your friends![…]

New Visions Award–deadline approaching!

I haven’t been blogging very consistently, I know—which made me only realize today that despite my many mentions of it on Twitter and Facebook, I[…]

Once Upon a Time–Season 2 opener (BEWARE OF SPOILERS)

I just finished watching the first episode of this season of Once Upon a Time. I enjoyed the first season of the show, but did[…]

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