
Birthday cake recipe

Thanks for all your birthday wishes. I had a great day. Had a couple meetings at work–one in which things happened that hopefully will result[…]

Happy birthday to me!

Yes, today is my birthday. I hung one more year on the line. I should be depressed, my life’s a mess, but I’m having a[…]

Catch-up roundup

Due to my crazy weekend, a lot of things have happened that I haven’t had the chance to post about. So, here you go, all[…]

Ow, not a good idea

On the advice of my doctor, when I was looking for exercise less stressing for my knees than walking (seriously–my knees swell up every time[…]

Hallowmere book trailer, interactive map

I told you there’d be more fun stuff coming. Check out the newly expanded site and you’ll find several goodies, including this book trailer:[…]

For authors: how do you feel about editorial letters?

Alvina’s posts at Blue Rose Girls are always great for insight into the editorial perspective. Today she asks, How do authors feel about receiving editorial[…]

Online resources for prospective editors

I was talking to a UW student this last week who wanted to become an editor and who was asking for advice on finding a job.[…]

Thus commenceth radio silence

I must say, All For Kids knows how to throw a Harry Potter party. Not that I’ve ever been to one before. Actually, this was[…]

Accio Deathly Hallows

Okay, that ticks me off. The entire entry somehow got lost as I clicked “post.” I’m annoyed now. Let’s see if I can recreate it…[…]

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