
The MotherReader 48 hour reading challenge

Having been to a number of shows in the last year where I’ve picked up ARCs that I haven’t had a chance to read yet[…]

FAQ: SASEs/email and "you don’t reject me, I reject you!"

This post isn’t from any actual questions, but it covers things we’ve seen happen either occasionally or regularly that either annoy us or make the editors’[…]

FAQ: Multiple submissions (to one publisher)

A recent email asks a question that has come up several times in the past:  I sent you two manuscripts/books, one to consider as a[…]

What am I posting this from?

That’s right, my new keyboard! The guys at work got the DHL driver to look again through his route and they found it! And it[…]

Folk Life

Still having technical difficulties. Did I mention it was only a keyboard problem (we think)? Yeah, so the keyboard was sent, and it arrived and[…]

In tandem with the last one…

Regular programming to resume soon, I hope. I just found out that it’s my keyboard. New keyboard (very cheap fix! yay!) will hopefully arrive today.[…]

Cross-ref, and it takes on a whole new meaning

With thanks to Chris and my roommate (I think–the second one was given to me long ago by someone). I can’t find the source of these[…]

Computer angst

The very nice guy in our IT dept is looking at my laptop, and now that he’s finally seen the problem (it liked him so[…]

(Post Title)

I want to post an IRA wrap-up with pictures, but I don’t know if my computer will last long enough to let me do it.[…]

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