Having a great time here in Toronto. It’s a great city. I’m only seeing a very small portion of it, but my hotel is right[…]
Spent the afternoon at a conference at my church. The best kind of church singles’ conference is one in which you don’t actually focus on the[…]
It is such a lovely day today. Warm sunshine, flowers blooming… did I mention how warm it is? Lovely. So I took the manuscript I[…]
So I had kind of lost faith in Lost. I didn’t watch it for a long time. But people at work were talking about it[…]
I’m afraid I won’t have much to say this week, as I have lots of work to do, tying up loose ends before heading out[…]
Oh, and a note: I’ve been hearing so much from places like the YALSA blog and the news about Teen Second Life (which only allows[…]
So have I. How did it get to be Friday already? One moment I was hurrying into the office on Monday morning, trying to get[…]
I just returned–well, a couple hours ago now–from an outing to the mall. Me, the mall. Yes. This rare occurrence usually only happens when I[…]
Let’s talk about what constitutes “requested” material. I’ve had it happen numerous times where someone will send me an email here and ask a question[…]
I’m home sick today, coughing up a lung, and being completely bored. There’s a strange program on the arts channel right now of muddy wild[…]