I’ve always said that the mark of a good book for me is dreaming about it. Well, maybe I should amend that. Not saying that[…]
While waiting for the latest episode of the Dresden Files to download in Itunes, I thought I’d catch up on a question here, but suddenly[…]
Jim MacDonald over at Making Light has put together a tour de force of early-1800s-literature-as-Buffy-tie-in that has made me giggle. Or perhaps it’s the insomnia[…]
In honor of the lighter side of Easter, I give you the most hilarious thing I’ve found today aside from ‘s waking up as an[…]
Must Love Books is a new blog by T.S., a colleague of Alvina (of the Blue Rose Girls). He’s an editorial assistant at a children’s book[…]
I just received some very good news. I’ve been promoted to full editor here at Mirrorstone (from associate editor). It’s a nice feeling, to be[…]
We’ve got window washers this week. Last week, it was inside, and now I have a guy suction-cupped to the outside of my window, ropes[…]
But I’m going to answer over the course of a few hours, when I need a breather from a manuscript I’m frantically trying to finish[…]
But my question, for you out there in the know of Scots dialect (or British English in general), what’s a tailback? British for traffic jam?[…]
Today’s final post is a morality tale. It is a tale of an annoyed editor and a newby writer who should have known better. The[…]