Playing with my new digital camera. These are going for a little more of the light study thing, along with using the two different lenses,[…]
Dang it. Lost the post. Just letting you know I finally posted the chocolate pictures. You know you were so interested in it. Plus, a[…]
You’ll get more of Dragonlance: The New Adventures tomorrow. The thing I must do today is let you know about an interesting thing I found[…]
Well, there’s a magazine writer, a poet, and a children’s writer. It’s been too long since I found the link (at least a week!) so[…]
Why, she taste tests chocolate, of course! Seriously, this was a Very Important Experiment this morning. For Lent, I’ve given up dairy. I’m not Catholic,[…]
Lifted from slayground : Readergirlz @ B&N in SeattleREADERGIRLZ: TODAY’S GIRLS, TOMORROW’S HISTORY WHO: Justina Chen Headley, Lorie Ann Grover, Dia Calhoun, and Janet Lee[…]
I have been so crazy busy these last two days. One book to turn over to typesetting, another to get to the copyeditor. Plus I’m[…]
AAAAAAAAAA! I have accidentally deleted this post not once but TWICE! Argh. Suffice it to say that I have been watching Animaniacs on DVD, and[…]
Well, so was yesterday. I’m just fascinated by how we can make connections across the world with the internet. Yesterday, I saw on my handy[…]
Behind the cut. These are from my real SLR camera. Still more shots from my phone to come. (Meant to do it last night, but[…]