
Study of a salt shaker

Playing with my new digital camera. These are going for a little more of the light study thing, along with using the two different lenses,[…]


Dang it. Lost the post. Just letting you know I finally posted the chocolate pictures. You know you were so interested in it.  Plus, a[…]

"Hacking" your Amazon sales/5 things meme in short

You’ll get more of Dragonlance: The New Adventures tomorrow. The thing I must do today is let you know about an interesting thing I found[…]

Children’s writing webcomic

Well, there’s a magazine writer, a poet, and a children’s writer. It’s been too long since I found the link (at least a week!) so[…]

What does an editor do when she needs a break?

Why, she taste tests chocolate, of course! Seriously, this was a Very Important Experiment this morning. For Lent, I’ve given up dairy. I’m not Catholic,[…]

Readergirlz forum in Seattle area

Lifted from slayground : Readergirlz @ B&N in SeattleREADERGIRLZ: TODAY’S GIRLS, TOMORROW’S HISTORY WHO: Justina Chen Headley, Lorie Ann Grover, Dia Calhoun, and Janet Lee[…]


I have been so crazy busy these last two days. One book to turn over to typesetting, another to get to the copyeditor. Plus I’m[…]

There’s bologna in our slacks

AAAAAAAAAA! I have accidentally deleted this post not once but TWICE! Argh. Suffice it to say that I have been watching Animaniacs on DVD, and[…]

Today is international day!

Well, so was yesterday. I’m just fascinated by how we can make connections across the world with the internet. Yesterday, I saw on my handy[…]

A couple more shots for you from LTUE

Behind the cut. These are from my real SLR camera. Still more shots from my phone to come. (Meant to do it last night, but[…]

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