I’m finally answering one of the questions you guys asked! jjsass wrote: Waving from France! I was wondering why you didn’t accept e-mail submissions at[…]
I’ve been very graphics-heavy in my LJ lately, and I’ve just decided to embrace it. My reading list on the side has grown to include[…]
I’ve been finding lots of great Avatar usericons through various links from my friend and fellow Avatar fan yedijoda (particular users credited on each icon).[…]
Tonight has been an infuriating night of kitten mischief. I think Mogget is getting disoriented by the moving boxes–I’m moving in a few weeks and[…]
Via yedijoda , pictures of my old haunt , BYU. (I lived in Utah for 4 1/2 years, and finished my undergrad at BYU.) Apparently LJ[…]
I was curious who was reading me–and how many, because who knows? it could be 2, it could be 20–besides the obvious (people who have[…]
Thought I’d share a few pictures from the conference, too. These are just the ones taken from my cute little cameraphone, as the pictures taken[…]
Continued from Part 7 (We’re getting near the end, don’t worry! This was only a one-hour talk.) Now, we’re on to Tiffany’s second draft. With[…]
Continued from Part 6 Yesterday, we left off with the outline stage of In the Serpent’s Coils. Let’s continue with the rest of the revision[…]
My friend invited me to a movie night up in Seattle, but I wasn’t really feeling up to driving all the way up there tonight[…]