I’m finally home, to a sunny and slightly warm Seattle afternoon. Opened all the windows in my apartment to air it all out, a little[…]
So like I said, I have another sinus infection. My doctor gave me a long list of things to try before and during my airplane[…]
As I’ve been preparing my talk for LTUE, one theme keeps coming up in pondering the role of an editor, and how an editor is[…]
I’ve already posted my panel schedule for LTUE before, but it’s less than two weeks away, so I thought a reminder might be in order[…]
Last night I got home to a voicemail from my apartment complex manager saying I had a FedEx package. This puzzled me all evening, as[…]
I’m so behind the times. I’ve seen so many other people post stuff like this on their blogs, and though I’ve enjoyed it, I haven’t[…]
An old-school quiz, with no blog code! Me: I am 40.23669% – Major Geek Falls right in line with mistborn ‘s recent discussion of just[…]
I don’t like to post my private picture gallery to the public, but I figure if you’re on my friends list, you can take a[…]
I left work entirely too late to make it to my church activity all the way up in Seattle, so instead I’m staying home, eating[…]
…is not going to happen right at this moment. Too much to say and not enough energy to say it. I have been sick today,[…]