
ALA Midwinter

It occurs to me that some of you publishing-type folks might be out here in Seattle at the end of the month for the ALA[…]

New friends

I just noticed that a lot of people have recently added me as a friend. Welcome! It makes me want to say something pithy and[…]

New usericons

I love Avatar: The Last Airbender! Can you tell? I’ve been searching for good ones–by the way, still on the lookout, so could always use[…]

Ugly Betty

I have a friend who has been raving about this show for a while. I’d watched part of it once, but it was in the[…]

Vacation reading

I’ve finally finished Cynthia Leitich Smith‘s Tantalize in ARC, which a coworker grabbed for me last summer at ALA. It won’t be out till March,[…]


Thanks for all the SF suggestions a few posts back. Now I’m madly scribbling down all the books I should be reading. Someone mentioned Robin[…]

Another Hallowmere blurb

Shannon Hale, author of Princess Academy, Goose Girl, and many others, says of In the Serpent’s Coils, “A luscious read.” Thanks, Shannon! We’re so glad[…]

Young adult and middle grade science fiction

I’m going to be on a panel in a few months about YA and middle grade SF. The basic premise of this panel, according to[…]

The pain continues

Ooh! Oh! What did I just find? That’s right, a story written by me in the 8th grade that I’d completely forgotten about. I don’t[…]

You asked for it

Ohhhh, the paaaaain! At the urging of , I’ll subject you all to some poetry from my high school notebook. *blushes* I’m more inclined to[…]

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