

Anyone ever tried this? I’ve seen a lot of bloggers use it in their sidebars, and I think it’s a great way of showing a[…]

Scott Westerfeld signing in Seattle area

OO! I’m so glad I dropped by Scott Westerfeld’s blog today! I often forget to stop by blogs that aren’t on my friends page as[…]

I’ve upgraded

I figured I’d try out a paid account and see if it might expand a few things for me. Today’s the goodies day, too. I’m[…]

I can’t resist

Because my new user icon is irresistable. Meet my little nephew–this is from when we went swimming when I went home over the summer.

Hallowmere ARC cover

Isn’t it beautiful? We’re very, very excited about Hallowmere. Stop by Tiffany Trent’s LJ () and tell her congratulations! This is the cover for the[…]

LOST-ness and Jericho

I’m going mad with the mystery. I want to know NOW! I think this is why I love books. While a TV show is only[…]

New Mirrorstone site design

Mirrorstone’s site just launched again with a new design. Check it out– Especially useful is that author bios and teacher/librarian resources are easier to find.[…]

Reluctant readers, part deux

I received an email today commenting on my last post on reluctant readers. Author Darcy Pattison said: I just read your livejournal post about the[…]

Reluctant readers

We just did this presentation the other day at the West Seattle B&N educator day that got me thinking that I wanted to post about[…]

One of these days…

I keep meaning to post two things: the links on the side to all things children’s literature and publishing, and a list of my recommended[…]

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