
“It’s Complicated” at CBC Diversity

As we’ve discussed on here before, diversity in children’s and YA books can be pretty controversial. Just reading the comments sections at any of the[…]

Review roundup–Cat Girl’s Day Off

Like I said yesterday, people are loving our spring books just as much as they loved those we published in the fall (for which we’re[…]

Review roundup–Vodnik

Tu’s spring books are getting great reviews! Here’s what people are saying about Vodnik. Kirkus Reviews (full review): An American teen encounters monsters both fantastical[…]

Blogger whose cat reviewed Cat Girl says it should be a movie

And I so totally agree. (Here’s the cat’s review.) Hollywood, are you listening? Dani Alexis also has some pithy thoughts on Cat Girl‘s subtle commentary[…]

Blogging at CBC Diversity this week and last

Though I am frenetically working to get some fall ARCs out to the printer, making me absent here despite having a computer at home again[…]

Someone’s comfy

I am having more (of the same) computer issues.  At least my new phone works (kind of.  Apparently hulu plus stopped supporting Galaxy Nexus?  If[…]

LTUE handouts now available (I think)

It has been more than a month since my computer worked well on a regular basis, and most of that time I was without a[…]


If you’re in the greater New York City area this weekend, you might be interested to know that I’ll be at Lunacon in Rye Brook[…]

What’s coming down the pipeline?

I’ve been talking a lot about Guadalupe Garcia McCall’s new book, Summer of the Mariposas, which we’ll be publishing at Tu this fall. Another thing[…]

How a book gets a cover, the prequel

Over on the Lee & Low blog this week and next, the designer of Vodnik—Isaac Stewart*—and I are discussing the design process of the book.[…]

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