Passing this on from . If you’re in grades 4-12, consider writing a letter to your favorite author, living or dead, about how their book[…]
I’ve been meaning to show off my irresistable kittens (well, at 9 months and a year old, they’re really just barely full-grown cats, I suppose),[…]
I’ve been quiet lately because I’ve been catching up. Between all the traveling in July and getting yet another sinus infection these last couple weeks,[…]
Cheryl Klein from Scholastic just posted some really good advice on how to become a book editor. The only thing I’d add to the internship[…]
It’s not publishing related, but I couldn’t resist posting this: I turned the oven on 450 to preheat for my supper. Suddenly, smoke is coming[…]
Yesterday was about the quietest birthday I think I’ve had in a while. Worked all day, went out for Thai with a friend, and then[…]
As I think I’ve said before, Harold Underdown’s site The Purple Crayon is a great resource for new and experience writers alike. He’s got everything[…]
I’m watching this really badly made and acted science fiction movie made in 1930 called Just Imagine. It goes forward 50 years to 1980 in[…]
Just finished the final edit of the first book of the first series I ever acquired. Yay! Now it’s with the author for her final[…]
Got bumped off my early morning flight and didn’t get out of San Diego till 3pm. At least I had time to return to the[…]