I just realized I used the word “happily” quite a few times in my last post. And I haven’t even read or watched something JA-related[…]
Whatever day it’s been, I do know for sure that I only have to stand on these poor, aching feet from 9:45 to 5 tomorrow,[…]
This morning, I had a dream that the events manager–the person in charge of running shows–was the person also in charge of acquisitions for books,[…]
Quite an entertaining day. Highlights are things I wish I had a digital camera to share with you. But I googled what I saw, and[…]
Busy. And last night was the “preview” night, so that means that the crush of people was “light traffic.” ALA has nothing on this show[…]
I’ve decided my LJ needs a title other than my username. My friend Jeff thought that “Stacy Whitman’s Grimoire for the Young and Young at[…]
I have just been invited to be the Editor Guest of Honor for Life, the Universe and Everything, a small con (“symposium”) in Provo, Utah,[…]
I’ve always loved Chris LeDoux’s song “County Fair,” which reminded me of my 4-H days showing horses, rabbits, and art. (Yes, I know it’s a[…]
I can’t think of any mainstream publishers in the bookselling business currently, and I’m not well-versed enough with publishing history to know if that was[…]
I decided to get a MySpace account, mainly because that’s where many tech-savvy teens hang out and if I want them to know about our[…]