Our parent company just started this health incentive program that as employees exercise and use this web-based program to keep track of it, we earn[…]
The consequence for getting so into what I’m doing that I work long hours: I haven’t done my dishes in several days, and something in[…]
It’s funny how when you finish a project and decide the next day you’ll catch up on all those things you’ve put off, the pace[…]
In case anyone out there has been holding on to a stand-alone fantasy novel that they’d love to submit to us, I wanted to point[…]
I’m flipping back and forth on TV between a documentary called Planet Twelve: The Secret Life of 12-Year-Olds which isn’t showing me any new secrets[…]
It fascinates me how much the editing process intertwines with the writing process. I like to write a little myself, and it’s clear to me[…]
When it’s published, that is. I’m just finishing up an edit on the first book in a new dark historical series for teen girls that[…]
In answer to . It’s been growing this last year, and hopefully will grow more this summer if I get to go to ALA. create[…]
Forwarded to me by a friend at work. It does seem to be at least a stereotypical line between different kinds of writers. I can’t[…]
My cats have been chasing each other around the house this morning, I suppose filled with spring fever. Well, they do this every day, so[…]