
My LTUE schedule 2012

I’ll be in Utah this February again this year for the excellent science fiction/fantasy convention Life, the Universe, and Everything. It’s the convention’s 30th anniversary[…]

Celebrating diversity booklist

Given that today is Martin Luther King Day, and that we’re still dealing with book banning based on race even today, I’d like to make[…]

So, a few things have happened recently

In case you’ve missed the tweets/Facebook posts about these things, I thought I’d put them all here for you to refer to. Last week’s #yalitchat[…]

Hugo nomination time

Since it’s award nomination time for the Hugos in particular, and because other awards are either gearing up for nominations or are getting toward the[…]

NY SCBWI schedule

If you didn’t already know, I’m going to be speaking at the end of the month at the New York SCBWI National Conference at the[…]

Obligatory holiday buy-my-books post

Hey, remember how I published three books this fall? If you’re looking for great reads for the science fiction or fantasy buff in your life,[…]

Writing diversity: avoiding the Magical Negro

I don’t know that we’ve ever discussed the concept of the Magical Negro here before, or its equivalent in American storytelling with Asian and Native[…]

Six Little Sisters by Guadalupe Garcia McCall

Now that it’s been announced in Children’s Bookshelf, I can let you know that I have a new acquisition! Stacy Whitman at Lee & Low[…]


Hey, wanna see something cool? I know you do!

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