Ah, vacation time, when I can at last have time to pause and read my submissions and prepare my presentations! No, really, I’m going home[…]
I often discuss diverse books with people, especially white people, who need the “101”—parents and other people who love children who want to give them[…]
In case you missed it, I’m open again for submissions to the New Visions Award. Details can be found on this blog post. This is[…]
As you can tell, I haven’t really blogged much in the past couple of years. I even forget to blog when I have a new[…]
I’m sure you’ve seen me talking about this EVERYWHERE else, but I’m posting this here too just to be sure. If you don’t know what[…]
Over the weekend, a discussion of diversity in SFF magazines has been brewing in SFF circles. I don’t read many SFF magazines, so I hadn’t[…]
The Horn Book Guide reviews have come out for several of Tu’s recent books. Thought I’d share a couple of the highlights. Review of Awakening[…]
If you haven’t noticed me talking about it EVERYWHERE, this week is Tu Books’ Friends & Family sale! We’re offering some pretty amazing discounts on[…]
Columbus Day is a complicated holiday—after all, we really shouldn’t be honoring a man who introduced the slave trade to the Americas for “discovering” the[…]
Sharing on this Call for Papers that was just brought to my attention. I know several people who might be interested in this (I’d love[…]