It’s been a while! I’m in the middle of changing a few things around here, including updating my bio, my editorial services, links, and more.[…]
The more I dig into this particular generation of my family–the immigrants I’d been chasing for decades to figure out where they’d come from in[…]
Today is #DVpit on Twitter, which is an event in which writers post pitches for their books on the hashtag and agents who like those[…]
This post was originally posted on the Lee & Low blog. I’ve long been a fan of mysteries. Trixie Belden was my BFF as[…]
In case you missed it, I’m open again for submissions to the New Visions Award. Details can be found on this blog post. This is[…]
Inspired by my recent marathoning of season 1 of Hawaii Five-O, in which the characters handed over a medium-sized backpack supposedly full of $10 million,[…]
Over the weekend, a discussion of diversity in SFF magazines has been brewing in SFF circles. I don’t read many SFF magazines, so I hadn’t[…]
Just in case you haven’t been paying attention in every other social media stream, Tu’s fall 2013 books are OUT in the WILD, just in[…]
From Kirkus Reviews: This near future dystopia starring an Apache female superhero has the soul of a graphic novel, if not the art. Like her[…]
You might notice some changes happening in my bio below my posts, on my About Me page, and on my social media sites. I’ve already[…]